Monday, April 18, 2016

The Sequel is Finished!

     I have just finished the sequel to The Hermetrius Conspiracy. In The Forseti Solution, Retired Agent Jack Preston and his new wife, Lynn, have settled into her Rocky Mountain home after uncovering a conspiracy by a wealthy financier to control the outcome of the next
Presidential election. Their attempts to expose the plot failed, and now they have to find a way to
reveal the illegal activities of the soon-to-be President before he can destroy democracy in
America. Using his superb skills as a hacker, Jack joins a team of ex-agents to uncover hidden files
and facts that will send the conspirators to prison. But the conspirators are out to stop them – for
good. Can Jack’s Agency training in escape, evasion, and firearms keep them alive long enough
to stop the impending political tragedy? The shocking ending will leave you shaken.
    Both books are available at,, and